Introducing BridgeU Explore: A New Way for Students to Discover Universities

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The process of selecting a university is one of the most important research projects a student can do! As well as shaping their academic and professional future, it will also be their home for at least 3 years.
As you’ll know, at BridgeU we aim to empower students to make the best university decisions, by selecting places that will be a good fit for them – both academically and personally. We do this through our Intelligent Matching tool, which gives students personalised university and course recommendations based on their BridgeU profile.
However, we also want to provide an option for younger students who don’t necessarily know their destination preferences, subject choices or target grades, and just want to explore what’s out there.
That’s why we are pleased to introduce BridgeU Explore.
Using the new feature, students can learn more about the experience of studying in different countries, view the most popular universities in these destinations and see the courses that are offered. They can also search by subject to see which courses are available to them, along with a list of universities which offer these courses.
We hope the update will encourage students to jump in and begin the university research process from an earlier stage – leading them to be more informed and prepared when they select their subjects and set their target grades.
Here’s how it works…
The BridgeU platform is now free! Speak to a member of our team to take a tour of the new feature and get set up with your account.
To find the new feature, students should go to “Universities” in the navigation menu. From there, they will be able to click on the new “Explore” tab.
Students can then click on the various countries or subject areas, or use the search bar at the top of the page to search for any university or country in the world.
When they click into a country, students will have the option to read our application guide for that destination, and will also be presented with a list of the most popular universities in that destination.
They can choose to view all universities or filter by subjects offered.
From this page, it’s time to start researching! Selecting a university will open up the overlay, which gives an overview of the university as well as a list of courses it offers, so students can start thinking about whether it might be a good fit for them! They can also choose to do more research by clicking the link to visit the university’s website.
Clicking on a course pulls up more information about its content and modules. If a student likes the look of a university or course, they can add it to their BridgeU shortlist or save it for later by clicking the green button.
If you have students who are interested in certain disciplines, but don’t yet know which courses or universities they should consider, Explore by subject is the place to start!
From Architecture to Marketing, students can click into different subject areas to explore related courses and the universities that offer these courses. As with Explore by country, they can choose to view all universities or filter by country.
From this page, students can choose to view the entire list of universities, or shortlist a course to continue their research at a deeper level.
We hope you enjoy the new feature and that your students find it easier to start their university research journey from an earlier stage. As always, if you have any feedback please make sure to let us know.
If you’re not currently a BridgeU customer, Explore and all other BridgeU features are now completely free! To take a tour of the platform and get set up with your free account, book a call with our team.
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