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Introducing a new piece of technology into a school can be a daunting task.
In our time working with international schools worldwide, we’ve found that counsellors and advisers have any number of queries about getting BridgeU up and running in their school.
These may include:
- How to ensure that all relevant staff are trained on using BridgeU.
- Making sure that students are fully maximising the potential of the platform in their university research and application.
- Enabling counsellors and teachers to get instant support and follow up training when they need it.
In addition, 2020 is the year when ed tech’s capacity to enable remote learning has arguably never been more crucial and we know that schools worldwide will have questions about this too!
Our latest infographic quickly and easily illustrates how it’s never been easier to embed BridgeU into your guidance curriculum.
Scroll down to learn more about how we help you roll out BridgeU to your staff and students. And all in five easy steps!
Getting started with BridgeU: additional resources
As well as getting you set up, we also want to make sure you have all the tools you need to embed BridgeU into your university and careers guidance curriculum. In addition to the steps outlined above, we’ve also got a host of other resources to ensure that you’re getting the most out of BridgeU.
Tailored lesson plans
From early careers exploration with your younger students through to final university application with your senior year, our lesson plans ensure that you can design a guidance curriculum that transcends your whole school and prepares students for life after secondary school.
Application & curriculum resources
Whether you’re new to counseling or a seasoned pro, working alone or running a large counseling team, we’ve got a host of resources to help you and your students.
If you subscribe to our regular emails, you might have already seen some of our educational webinars. We’ll continue to support you as a customer with free webinars to help you with every aspect of BridgeU, including demos when we launch a new feature or product!
If you’d like to learn more about the process of implementing BridgeU, and how we can help you meet your remote learning needs, we’d love to hear from you!
Get in touch
Using the free BridgeU platform and its intelligent matching tools, your students can find their best-fit programmes from over 28,000 universities all over the world
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